Sunday, October 14, 2012

Love and Absence

You asked in a sarcastic tone if I've noticed that you're not around in my home. Sadly, yes, I do. Especially when you're not sarcastic.

The other day, I realized I buy toilet paper once every two months instead of once every four days. Remember the sonic boom as you and your daughter got the paper roll spinning fast enough to break the sound barrier?

So, for old times sake, I stuck one end of the paper into the toilet and flushed a few times. The swirling waters of the toilet sucked in as much as the paper as it could - subsonic at best. Still, this brought back a couple of memories. I had even forgotten that panicky feeling when the toilet water approached the rim of a clogged toilet.

Oh, by the way, Root-Rooter sends their regards.

Some things I don't miss. I arrive after work to a different home now. No longer is my long, stressful day followed by a long, stressful night. Now, I walk into a quiet house and cheery greeting from my son. Cooking dinner has become more of a joy. With my meal, I can have a glass of wine or glass of water. It's my choice according to taste, and not to avoid your displeasure.

I do miss your tender kisses and those wonderful moments when you would gaze into my eyes with your overwhelming love. I sadly miss those times. Of course, during our last few months together, I missed those times even when you were here.

You are not "out of sight, out of mind" as you put it. I think about you and about us every day. While we don't talk to each other as often now, we talk more openly than we used to.

And I think your openness has unintentionally given me an insight as to why you want me.

But I need to give more thought - and you need to say a bit more - before I write about your possible hidden agenda.