Monday, August 27, 2012

Love and Anger

You asked. I told. You said, "What should I do?" I said, "I'll help you move into your own place a few miles away - away from a house you associate with my evil ex, and away from my son whom you despise."

A thousand dollars later and my name on your lease, you are in a new place. Then you tell me how you miss me. I reply in kind, even though my days have become less stressful and my foregoing expenses cheaper.

As soon as I have more money, I will help you move your precious cat and your furniture into your apartment. Then my place will become less cluttered; and my floors, hair-ball free.

Is this the end of our 9 years together? It all depends on you. Will you be the supporting branch in my life, or a clinging vine choking me? We will see.