Monday, August 27, 2012

Love and Anger

You asked. I told. You said, "What should I do?" I said, "I'll help you move into your own place a few miles away - away from a house you associate with my evil ex, and away from my son whom you despise."

A thousand dollars later and my name on your lease, you are in a new place. Then you tell me how you miss me. I reply in kind, even though my days have become less stressful and my foregoing expenses cheaper.

As soon as I have more money, I will help you move your precious cat and your furniture into your apartment. Then my place will become less cluttered; and my floors, hair-ball free.

Is this the end of our 9 years together? It all depends on you. Will you be the supporting branch in my life, or a clinging vine choking me? We will see.


  1. You posted this near the same day that my husband and I finally agreed (for good) that we were getting divorced. I had been following you for quite some time prior, but never said anything because you didn't have the anonymous option available and I hate signing into these things. However, it's been quite some time since you've written and I'm curious where things are for you now. So, you've managed to get me to log in and ask. Care to update your loyal followers?

  2. Hello Rogue,

    First of all, I'm sorry to hear about your divorce. The dissolving of a marriage has to be one of those most tumultuous of our life experiences. As I think of the horror that I went through, I could not wish that unfortunate event on anyone.

    Secondly, I agree with you how that Blogspot handles comments. I have sent emails to Google asking them to add an anonymous comment feature. I have yet to hear or see a response to the request. Maybe they don't search their emails.

    (UPDATE: I just checked the settings for this site and NOW Google has a selection for anonymous commenting. I've enabled it. Thank you for bring this to my attention.)

    Thirdly, your comment absolutely floored me. As far as I knew, no one read this blog. I wrote my post as a therapeutic diversion from frustrating moments, and as a way to begin learning the craft of writing.

    So you would like to read some updates? I have a few drafts – raw, unedited, messy – waiting in the wings. And because you took the time to write, I will take the time to update this blog as soon as I can.

    Thank you so much for making my day. I hope that all will work out for you as quickly and as easily as possible.

    My best to you always,
    Just Me
