Monday, September 5, 2011

cost of love

He stood there, credit card in hand, filling out an application to help the love of his life get through some tough financial times. After being with her for several years, he found himself helping her more out of a sense of obligation than from a sense of affection. Still, even with her standing there next to him, he felt that it was important to help her regardless of his changed feelings.

It didn't help improve his love for her when she loudly said, "It says to put your name as it appears on the card. Did you do that?" His beloved’s demanding tone caused the clerk behind the counter to glance up from her paperwork and stared at him. He felt his face redden with an intense, hot blush. What was he, an idiot? In his many years of dealing with financial paperwork, did she think this was his first time answering credit card questions?

He looked at her, not believing that she had just asked such an embarrassing question and in such a condescending tone. Slowly, patiently, he slipped out of his worn wallet the credit card that he had used so often in her frequent times of need. Without saying a word, he held it in front of her face and good-naturally waited for her response. She acknowledged him with the air of a teacher grading the work of one of her duller pupils, "Oh. Ok."

After the clerk accepted the paperwork, he proceeded to pay the fees. Once again, he saved her day ... as unrewarding as it was becoming to be.

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